Join GBCI and Potomac ASLA for a one-day workshop on March 4 on the concepts and goals of sustainable and regenerative land design. This workshop will dive into SITES and provide practitioners and regional leaders with the tools they need to ingrate SITES into their work.
SITES education session
When: March 4, 2017 from 1–3 p.m.
Where: USGBC headquarters, 2101 L Street NW, #500, Washington, D.C. 20037
Cost: $35 Potomac chapter ASLA and USGBC members; $60 nonmembers
- Introduction to the GBCI team and SITES
- Background on the SITES Rating System
- The SITES Rating System structure, categories, prerequisites, credits and a Q&A
- Project workshop and interactive session
SITES is a program dedicated to fostering resiliency and transforming land development and management practices towards regenerative design. The central message of the SITES program is that any project holds the potential to protect, improve and regenerate the natural benefits and services provided by healthy ecosystems.