SITES v2 rating system addenda now available

Published on
07 Oct 2024
Danielle Pieranunzi
Two people stroll along a wooded pathway.

Feature image photo credit: Danielle Pieranunzi.

GBCI has released the first addenda to the SITES v2 rating system. Addenda are official updates to the rating system and are now available on the SITES resources webpage.

What are addenda?

Addenda are official updates that incorporate changes and improvements to the SITES v2 rating system and other published guidance documents to help clarify, correct, interpret or provide alternative language. Addenda should be referred to in conjunction with the SITES v2 rating system and other published guidance documents. Addenda are designed to be an intermediate step before an official version update to address needed changes to the rating system. Addenda are not intended to be inclusive of every needed change but are intentionally kept brief to be manageable.

What is included in the Q4 2024 addenda release?

This first addenda release includes various updates to the SITES v2 rating system for new construction and major renovations. Within these, there are both clarifications and credit changes, such as:

  • Credit 4.8: Optimize biomass. The biomass density index value for "unmanaged grass layers" (i.e., prairie) has been increased to more accurately reflect its provision of ecosystem services. Additionally, a new resource (RESOLVE) was provided to assist projects in determining the site’s terrestrial biome.
  • Credit 6.9: Encourage fuel efficient and multi-modal transportation. The option regarding electric recharge or alternative recharge stations now includes a minimum quantity. Additionally, the option for short- and long-term bicycle parking has more flexibility depending on site programming and use.

Be sure to view a complete list of updates in the SITES v2 addenda table.

Why has SITES released these specific updates?

These addenda were issued to provide clarifications to frequently asked questions or credit misinterpretations, and to make changes to better reflect the latest research and market conditions. Reviewing the addenda is intended to be a manageable process for project teams so that they can interpret and use them moving forward.

The addenda table will continue to be updated as needed, so keep an eye out for future notifications as we work to evolve SITES to meet market and customer needs. If you have feedback to share on your experience with SITES, please complete this brief survey.

Take the survey.

How will these addenda affect me or my project?

Projects that register after Jan. 6, 2025, must comply with the addenda requirements. Projects that were registered beforehand are not required to comply but are strongly advised to follow the addenda.

To determine what requirements will apply to your project, reference both the SITES v2 rating system and the addenda table. Addenda are listed by publication date, and this date should be used to inform project teams on what they are required to follow.

Want to know more?

Visit our updated help page for more information about the specifics of the addenda process moving forward, or contact us with questions. To stay updated on SITES, sign up for email updates and follow SITES on LinkedIn.

Download the addenda